How the Critics Work...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Copperstones; Waterford, Michigan

I have always been a fan of going out for breakfast.  There is just something comforting about a nice plate of eggs, toast and coffee.  My family and I formerly had a usual breakfast stop, one right by the house.  I do not want to drop their name, but we had thought that they were "the bomb" of the morning meal.  With a great breakfast special and free coffee, we figured that no one would be able to top them.

But then came Copperstones...a restaurant that is a Waterford icon.  I heard of Copperstones breakfast first from my church pastor who had mentioned that this eatery had served turkey sausage.  This was a huge hit with me as I am not a pork eater.  Thus my family and I chose to give Copperstones a try.

Let me start with the coffee.  Y-U-M-M-Y!!!!!!!!  I am not sure what this place does to brew this hot drink, but somehow they have come up with coffee that has become an absolute nectar of deliciousness.  I would return to Copperstones for their coffee alone.  My wife was thrilled to find out that Copperstones offered Equal, Splenda and Sweet & Low.

The meals themselves did not disappoint us.  My family has a passion for poached eggs, and the cooks prepared their eggs properly.  The hash browns (ordered by Kolleen) and my American Fries (for me) were both delicious.  The turkey sausage was great!  I would not have been too upset to see an extra piece, but as I am not a big eater anymore because of my pancreatitis I was satisfied.  

The staff at Copperstones is incredibly friendly and is above and beyond efficient.  I have never seen a cup of coffee go below a fingers level deep before it was refilled.  

The cleanliness of the establishment was good.

The restaurant decor was that of a early modern coffee shop.  Late 70's-early 80's family restaurant...very comfy.


Service:                          *****
Food:                              ***1/2 (coffee 12)
Affordability:                 ***1/2
Decor:                            ***

Overall:                          ****

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