How the Critics Work...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Denny's; Novi, Michigan

I had another doctors appointment today and that meant another stop with my friend Cliff for a bite to eat.  This time I knew where I was, out in Novi, Michigan (just north of I-96), so we decided on eating at Denny's, an old classic eatery.  For me Denny's was always famous for a few dishes and those where their Grand Slam breakfasts, Eggs Over My Hammy, their tasty coffee and pie.

Now unfortunately for me I was not feeling wonderful so I knew I would not be ordering anything very large but I was checking things out from the moment I approached the restaurant.  And the first problem came the moment I walked through the front door and that was the foul smell that washed over me like a tsunami.  I am sorry my friends, but I CANNOT IMAGINE ANYONE WANTING TO EAT A PIECE OF COCONUT CREAM PIE WITH THE STENCH OF URINAL CAKES IN THE AIR.  This vile smell permeated the entire restaurant.  I asked the waitress about it and she said that was the normal odor, it made me want to puke!  

The next strike was the cleanliness, which will receive a 0.  Our table was lined with a green film in the edges that came off when my arm rubbed it.  I have NO IDEA what it was!  Next, we come the crawling ants and beetles on the booths and chairs, I killed three.

The waitress was nice enough until I asked about the smell; she then became very defensive.

As for the food let me start with the coffee.  It was so bitter that I could not drink it.  It is my belief that the staff reused the coffee filters, but there is no way to verify this.  Eventually I moved my coffee cup aside and ordered an orange juice which was quite yummy.  For food I had a bagel and cream cheese and a order of turkey bacon.  The turkey bacon had to be sent back to be crisped up but when it came back it was great.  It was thick cut and that made it very appetizing.

Cliff ordered the Ultimate Bacon Breakfast which consisted of two eggs over medium, hash brown six pieces of bacon and wheat toast.  he was happy.  He though the coffee was fair, but in his words it was the cream that made the coffee.

The decor of this Denny's was the same as every other Denny's.

Overall I would recommend you do not visit this restaurant.  I would take you money elsewhere as there are plenty of stores nearby in this shopping district.


Service:                       **(2 1/2)
Food:                           *1(1 1/2)
Affordability:              ***(3)
Cleanliness:                 (0)
Decor:                         **(2)

Overall                        (1/2)

1 comment:

  1. If that smell hadn't made me turn around and leave... the entourage of insects would have had me out of there as quickly as I could! UGH!
